Arrays Versus Pointers

◀ Common Causes of Bugs▶ Differences between Arrays and Pointers
Amazon "I thought I gave you detailed pointers on how your sales pitch should go," yelled the sales manager.
“Well your pointers to an array of high-sounding words simply didn’t cut it,” answered Grace calmly.

Fortunately, a pointer in C++ points to only one address, not an array of addresses.

In C++ or C the differences between an array and a pointer are often confusing. It seems that both can achieve the same goal of allocating resources for multiple values of the same data type and sometimes they are even interchangeable!

In this chapter we will dig down into them and unravel the mysteries surrounding pointers and arrays!

Let’s go to the next section and discover the differences between pointers and arrays!
◀ Common Causes of Bugs▶ Differences between Arrays and Pointers

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