C++ Keywords

◀ Where Are Your Eyes?▶ Operator Precedence
Amazon C++ keywords are must-know because they prevent you from using them as variable names and they also let you know what they mean. Make sure you at least can identify C++ keywords but it'd be better if you knew them.

The following table displays C++ keywords, also known as reserved words, which cannot be used for any other purpose.
asm		auto		   bool		break
case		catch		   char		class
const		const_cast	   continue	default	
delete		do		   double	dynamic_cast	
else		enum		   explicit	extern
false		float		   for		friend	
goto if inline int long mutable namespace new operator private protected public register reinterpret_cast return short signed sizeof static static_cast struct switch template this throw true try typedef typeid typename union unsigned using virtual void volatile wchar_t while
Now that you are familiar with all C++ keywords you can rest assured you won't mistakenly use any of them for purposes other than what they are intended for!

Next let's look at operator precedence so you know what operator overrides the other operator when both exist in an expression!

A laser can turn on and off billions of times a second. This is essentially how fiber optics laser works.
◀ Where Are Your Eyes?▶ Operator Precedence

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