Identify Groups on a Board - Step 4

◀ Identify Groups on a Board - Step 3▶ Exercise #2: The Game of Nim
Amazon Let’s run the last step of the Four-Step Programming Model!

Four Step Programming Model: Step 4
The program is rather straightforward and easy to code. The following is the complete program.
Michael Wen
Given the size of the grid and the layout of people, this program outputs relevant information about each group on the grid.
#include<vector> using namespace std; int width, height, total; vector<int> tempvx, tempvy; bool **occupy, **handled; void process(int, int); int main(int argc, char **argv){ /* if arguments are not correct, give an error message and quit */ if(argc!=3){ cout<<"usage: ./exe <inputFile> <outputFile>\n"; cout<<"<inputFile>: input file's name\n"; cout<<"<outputFile>: output file's name\n";
exit(1); } int i,j; char *fileIn, *fileOut; ifstream fin; ofstream fout; vector<vector<int> > groupX, groupY; /* receive locations of people in the given file and assign proper values to all squares on the grid */ fileIn=argv[1]; fileOut=argv[2];; fin>>width; fin>>height; occupy = new bool*[width]; handled = new bool*[width]; for(i=0;i<width;i++){ occupy[i] = new bool[height];
handled[i] = new bool[height]; } for(i=0;i<width;i++) for(j=0;j<height;j++) handled[i][j]=occupy[i][j]=false; while(fin) { fin>>i; fin>>j; if(i<0 || i>=width || j<0 || j>=height) continue; occupy[i][j]=true; } fin.close(); /* go through each square on the grid, find the groups, and store them into a vector */ for(i=0;i<width;i++) for(j=0;j<height;j++)
if(occupy[i][j] && !handled[i][j]){ process(i,j); groupX.push_back(tempvx); groupY.push_back(tempvy); tempvx.clear(); tempvy.clear(); } total=groupX.size(); /* output results to the output file, specified by the command line */; fout<<"There are a total of "<<total<<" group(s).\n\n"; for(i=0;i<total;i++){ tempvx=groupX[i]; tempvy=groupY[i]; fout<<"Group "<<i+1<<": "<<tempvx.size()<<" person(s).\n";
for(j=0;j<tempvx.size();j++) fout<<"\t"<<tempvx[j]<<' '<<tempvy[j]<<endl; fout<<endl; } fout.close(); return 0; } /* precondition: x and y can never go out of the board’s bounds postcondition: tempvx and tempvy will contain people belonging to a group */ void process(int x, int y) { /* mark square (x, y) handled */ handled[x][y]=true; /* store it in a vector */ tempvx.push_back(x);
tempvy.push_back(y); /* if the east square is occupied and not handled, call process on that square */ if(x<width-1 && occupy[x+1][y] && !handled[x+1][y]) process(x+1,y); /* if the west square is occupied and not handled, call process on that square */ if(x>0 && occupy[x-1][y] && !handled[x-1][y]) process(x-1,y); /* if the north square is occupied and not handled, call process on that square */ if(y<height-1 && occupy[x][y+1] && !handled[x][y+1])
process(x,y+1); /* if the south square is occupied and not handled, call process on that square */ if(y>0 && occupy[x][y-1] && !handled[x][y-1]) process(x,y-1); }
This program does minimal error-checking, and you can enhance it so that no matter what the input file looks like, your program will handle it properly. You can also write a program to generate random input files to test your program.

Inside process() we see that the if statements take advantage of the short-circuit evaluation, which is discussed in Chapter 16.5.

Note that array-out-of-bounds errors are easy to make in this program; so be careful.
Next let’s look at an interesting game – the game of Nim!
◀ Identify Groups on a Board - Step 3▶ Exercise #2: The Game of Nim

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