Complex operator+(Complex & c, Complex & c2); /* function prototype */Complex operator+(Complex & c, Complex & c2) { /* function definition */… return …}This is exactly how the aforementioned problem may be solved. If you want a = 5 + b to work, simply declare the first argument to be an int and the second argument to be a Complex object.
a = b + c;but not
a = b.operator+(c);That’s because operator+() is no longer a member of Complex. Another important point to note is that you may not be able to do:
a = a + b + c;The assignment may or may not work depending on the implementations you are using. If the compiler complains, try taking out ‘&’ in both function prototype and function definition or inserting a ‘&’ between Complex and operator+.
+ = *= >>= > & >> -> <=- == /= <<= < | << ->* ,* != %= &= ! ^= () new ||/ += >= |= && ~= [] delete ^% -= >>= ~new and delete are English words, but you still can do
… operatornew(…);… operatordelete(…);
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Clock { int hours; int minutes;public: Clock() {}; Clock(int h, int m) { hours = h; minutes = m; } Clock operator+(Clock & t); int hr() { return hours; } int min() { return minutes; } };Clock Clock::operator+(Clock & t) { Clock sum; sum.hours = hours + t.hours + (minutes + t.minutes)/60; sum.minutes = (minutes + t.minutes) % 60; return sum;}ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, Clock & t){ os << << " hours, " << t.min() << " minutes"; return os;}int main() { Clock a(1, 40); Clock b(3, 29); Clock c(2, 19); cout << a << endl << b << endl << c << endl; a = a + b + c; cout << a << endl; return 0;}Here is a sample program that illustrates a nonmember function overloading +:
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Clock { int hours; int minutes;public: Clock() {}; Clock(int h, int m) { hours = h; minutes = m; } int hr() { return hours; } int min() { return minutes; } int set_hr(int h) { hours = h; } int set_min(int m) { minutes = m; } };Clock & operator+(Clock & t, Clock & t2) { Clock sum; sum.set_hr( + + (t.min()+t2.min())/60); sum.set_min((t.min()+t2.min()) % 60); return sum;}ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, Clock & t){ os << << " hours, " << t.min() << " minutes"; return os;}int main() { Clock a(1, 40); Clock b(3, 29); Clock c(2, 19); cout << a << endl << b << endl << c << endl; a = a + b + c; cout << a << endl; return 0;}Try overloading operators such as -, *, and >> as an exercise, will ya?