The Game of Nim - Step 1

◀ Exercise #2: The Game of Nim▶ The Game of Nim - Step 2
Amazon Let’s apply the 1st step of the Four-Step Programming Model to solve the game of Nim!

Four Step Programming Model: Step 1
The program flow should be straightforward. The catch lies in how the computer in smart mode makes its move. We need a function to determine whether the current number of marbles is one less than a power of 2. We also need a function to calculate the number of marbles the smart computer should draw.

The following is my skeleton:
bool deadNum(int);
int compute(int); int main() { - initialize random number generator - introduce the game of Nim and display its rules - determine who goes first and the initial number of marbles - deal with the case when computer plays stupid if it’s user’s turn, prompt user to enter a number if the number is invalid, prompt user to enter another one if it’s computer’s turn, draw a random legal number of marbles - deal with the case when computer plays smart if it’s user’s turn, prompt user to enter a number
if the number is invalid, prompt user to enter another one if it’s computer’s turn, draw a number of marbles based on the strategy - switch turn } /* precondition: n must be a positive integer postcondition: return true if n is 1 less than any power of 2; return false otherwise */ bool deadNum(int n) { - return true if n is a power of 2 minus 1 } /* precondition: n must be a positive integer postcondition: return the number of marbles smart computer should draw
*/ int compute(int n) { - calculate the largest possible number which is 1 less than a power of 2 - return (n – that number) }
Let's look at the next step!
◀ Exercise #2: The Game of Nim▶ The Game of Nim - Step 2

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