Terminology and Symbols
◀ What This Book Covers▶ Naming Conventions Amazon
First I want you to be familiar with the terminology and symbols I will be using throughout the book. There could exist more than one term that refer to the same thing, and I do my best in using the most common and accepted terms.
The following table lists terms, their meanings, and examples. In the example column, sometimes I use ~ to replace the corresponding term for brevity.
Term | Meaning | Example |
char | A variable of type char | The function returns a char. |
character array | The traditional C string, which is type char[] | This function returns a character array. |
char array | Same as above | This function returns a char array. |
bool | A variable of type bool | The function returns a bool. |
bool array | An array of type bool | The function returns a bool array. |
int | A variable of type int | The first argument to getGPA() is an int. |
int array | An array of type int | The function returns an int array. |
double | A variable of type double | The function returns a double. |
double array | An array of type double | The function returns a double array. |
string | An instance of C++ string class | The function returns a string. |
the invoking object | The object that invokes the function | Student mike;mike.getID();mike is ~. |
struct | A user-defined structure | The name of the struct is foo. |
object | An instance of a class | Jennifer is an object of class Students. |
The following table lists symbols, their meanings, and examples.
Symbol | Meaning | Example |
() | A function | Lets write a function swap() that swaps two elements in an array. |
‘’ | A character | You need to append a # to the end of the string. |
“” | A string or a word | inner#beauty#counts# is a valid input. The word template means… |
<> | A library header | You need in this program. |
The following table lists words in different fonts, each of which has a special meaning.
Sample Word | Meaning |
./computer_sum 20 100The sum of 20 and 100 is 120. | I use this font to indicate program outputs, user inputs, and actual program code. |
data.txtdouble my_weightget_score()class Students | I put in bold type file names, data types, variable names, instance names, function names, class names, and any other program elements. |
Naming convention is critical! | I use italic type to indicate emphasis, a special term, and chapter jokes. |
Chapter 14Code SizeFigure 15.1 | I underline a chapter name, a section name, and a figure. |
Very often I use the term “object” to mean “object reference”. In the following declarations:
Paint circle;
Paint square;
Paint is a class, I refer to
circle and
square as objects of
Paint to avoid wordiness. Technically, they are known as object references or instances. Just keep it in mind.
Also, when I explain something, I usually struggle over the way I call the subject person. If I call the person “he”, girls may feel a little discriminated against, but if I call the person “she”, guys won’t be happy. Anyway, I got to choose one, and I choose “he” because it is shorter. Please excuse me for any inconvenience this may cause.
In fact, if you are a girl and are really bothered by it, let me know and if enough people have brought up this request, I promise I will revamp this book and publish the updated version as soon as possible. You have my word.
◀ What This Book Covers▶ Naming Conventions